Tag Archives: sleeping position

Should you change your sleeping position?
Sleeping Positions: Sweet Dreaming or Total Nightmare?
When you get in bed and cozy into your covers at night, you probably don’t put much thought into whether you’re on your side, back, or stomach. But if you snore like a bear every time your head hits the pillow or you wake up feeling stiff as a board, it might be time to switch things up at bedtime.
Here’s the scoop on the benefits and drawbacks of the most common sleeping positions.

Can your sleeping position help prevent Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s?
Can your sleeping position benefit brain health?
We already know that a sleeping position on your side is, broadly speaking, very good for you. It clears the airwaves and helps you breathe, allowing for a potentially better night’s sleep. It can help with back and posture problems. It offers safety against sleep apnea.
But now there’s a far more vital reason to consider rolling over: sleeping on your side could benefit your brain health.