Deluxe Chin Strap


The Respironics Deluxe Chin Strap is designed to deter mouth breathing and jaw dropping while using your CPAP mask.  Soft and comfortable, the Deluxe Chin Strap consists of a wide strap and a stability strap.

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Chin Strap

The Deluxe Chin Strap by Respironics is designed to deter mouth breathing and jaw dropping while using your CPAP mask.  Soft and comfortable, the Deluxe Chin Strap consists of a wide strap and a stability strap. The wide strap passes under the chin. The chinstrap closes on the side of the head with the Velcro closure. The stability strap is attached to the wide strap facing the back of the head.

Chin Strap Features

  • Vertical Design that promotes a vertical angle of force on the chin to reduce the potential of bringing on sleep-related events
  • Chincup is part of the soft strap to provide comfortable support without placing unnecessary pressure around the chin