Tag Archives: sleep patterns

Should We Actually Be Sleeping Twice A Day?
Sleeping Once A Day? How about Twice?
This time, we’re all doing it wrong. Well, except for a handful of Spanish people that still enjoy a siesta after lunch.
Experts believe that the reason we’re all constantly whingeing about lack of sleep is because we should actually be doing it twice a day, for shorter bursts.
Did someone say siesta?
The idea that we should all be trying for a continuous eight hours of sleep at night is, experts argue, a recent invention, and our body clocks are far better suited to two shorter bursts of sleep each day.
In fact, so-called segmented, or bi-modal, sleeping used to be the norm, argue Dr Melinda Jackson, a psychologist who specialises in sleep disorders at RMIT University, and Siobhan Banks, sleep researcher at the University of South Australia.
‘Anthropologists have found evidence that during pre-industrial Europe, bi-modal sleeping was considered the norm,’ they explained in an article this week for the Conversation.
For example, in Charles Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge (published in 1840), he refers to the concept of a first and second sleep, writing:
“He knew this, even in the horror with which he started from his first sleep, and threw up the window to dispel it by the presence of some object, beyond the room, which had not been, as it were, the witness of his dream.”
People’s bedtime wasn’t determined by time of day, but by what they had to do and when.
‘Interestingly, the appearance of sleep maintenance insomnia in the literature in the late 19th century coincides with the period where accounts of split sleep start to disappear,’ Jackson and Banks go on to note.
To read the rest of this article, click here:
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Improve Sleep Patterns Using These Methods
Spending too many nights tossing and turning? Well, you’re not alone. The cure for daytime fatigue or inconsistent sleep patterns can often be linked to daily routines, overall lifestyle of an individual and some health predicaments faced by some individuals. Sometimes people struggle to sleep, some fight to stay asleep and others are buried in so much workload that they hardly have time for enough sleep. In order to curb such patterns, it’s important to find those triggers that could cause insufficient sleep and deal with them before they escalate to harmful health conditions.

Want to Sleep Better? You Might Want To Try This
Sleep better just by going outside?
Want to sleep better? Go outside, recommends a new study.
A recent University of Michigan study found, unsurprisingly, that getting outside during the day helps people fall asleep more quickly and get more shut-eye at night. Indoor light isn’t quite as helpful as actual sunlight.