Tag Archives: sleep tips

Looking for quality sleep? Check out these tips
Quality sleep can make all the difference when it comes to productivity in the office. In fact, overall on-the-job sleepiness costs employers about $100 billion in lost productivity.
It’s time to take that productivity back. Use these tips to get better sleep yourself, and share the tips with your friends and coworkers to beat office exhaustion.

11 Sleep Tricks That Will Help You Doze Off Easier
Doze Off With These Sleep Tips!
We all know that a hot, milky drink and a warm bath are supposed to relax you before bed, but many of us still can’t sleep.
Ten million prescriptions for sleeping pills are written every year in England alone and a survey by Crampex has found that 86% of us suffer from sleep disturbance.
But you can trick yourself to sleep by trying these expert natural tips:

Five Sleep Tips To Improve An Athlete’s Performance
By Bri Groves, Swimming World College Intern.
Sleep is a popular area for athletes to see improvements in performance with relatively low effort. To examine the affects that increasing sleep can have on your swimming, check out this research.

Check Out These 5 Summer Sleep Tips
Essential Summer Sleep Tips
by Maria Luci, editor at Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen and Rodale’s
Are you sure/That we are awake? It seems to me/That yet we sleep, we dream…
— William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Unlike the spellbound, dozing characters in Shakespeare’s beloved comedy, many of us wish we could get in a few more hours of dreaming each night. Yet, a serene, uninterrupted eight hours can be hard to come by, especially during hot midsummer nights.

Sleep Better On Vacation With These Tips
Looking to sleep on vacation?
Having trouble catching some zzz’s while on vacation? Travelers often find that their normal sleep patterns are disrupted while away from the cozy confines of their own beds. Happily, the industry is introducing innovative sleep-focused programming, from insomnia treatments to zero-gravity adult nap chairs to help promote quality rest. With that in mind, here are 10 snooze-inducing solutions to help you get some shut-eye while traveling.

Quality sleep issues? Check out these tips
Quality sleep can make all the difference when it comes to productivity in the office. In fact, overall on-the-job sleepiness costs employers about $100 billion in lost productivity.
It’s time to take that productivity back. Use these tips to get better quality sleep yourself, and share the tips with your friends and coworkers to beat office exhaustion.