Author Archives: CPAP America
Could Prolonged Sleep Put You At Risk For Dementia?
Data from the Framingham Heart Study has shown that people who consistently sleep more than 9 hours each night had double the risk of developing dementia in 10 years as compared to participants who slept for 9 hours or less. The findings, which appear in the journal Neurology, also found those who slept longer had smaller brain volumes.
Why Do Men Get Sleepy After Sex? It Could Be Sleep Apnea
Kelly Ripa made headlines earlier this month after saying on “Live with Kelly” that her husband, Mark Consuelos, is “mean” after sex, and while she backpedaled Wednesday by clarifying he is simply “disinterested” afterward, the damage had already been done. Ripa’s Feb. 9 admission, whether in jest or not, has been trending on various news sites, including this one, ever since.
Sleep Deprivation: Why The Cure For It Could Be Closer Than You Think
Sleep Deprivation: Is There A Cure For It?
Mark Zielinski knew he was onto something when his mice stopped sleeping. Normally, the animals woke and would sleep on a 12-hour cycle. When the lights were on in the lab, the mice were active. When it went dark on a timer, down they went. But Zielinski, who teaches psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, had recently tweaked their schedule to keep the mice up past their bedtime.
Sleep Disorder: Do you Have One, And When Should You See A Professional?
Sleep Disorder: Do You Have One? When Should You Seek Help?
It’s no secret that Americans aren’t getting enough sleep.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults in the U.S. doesn’t get the recommended eight hours of shut eye a night.
Tent Sleep: Science Says It’s The Best Kind You Can Get
Our circadian clocks are governed by the natural rise and fall of melatonin, the “sleep hormone” that cues off of light. In the evenings, melatonin levels rise, telling our bodies it’s time for sleep.
These Five Things Are Affecting Your Sleep; You Just Don’t Know It
Here’s something you probably never thought you’d hear from a doctor: Caffeine probably isn’t affecting your sleep. Yes, really.
Sleep: Can You Actually Train Yourself To Get Less Of It?
With so much to do, and so little time to accomplish it, sleep can feel like a waste of a precious resource. Wouldn’t it be great if we could train our bodies to need less of it?
It is possible, some research has found. But it won’t work for everyone.
Sleep Apnea Has Become A New Focus of the Transportation Industry
NEW YORK – A commuter train crash at a busy New York City terminal on Wednesday morning was the latest of several accidents that have focused attention on how rail agencies monitor the health of their operators, especially sleep disorders like sleep apnea.
Do You Have Insomnia? Here’s What Might Be Causing Your Lack Of Sleep
Find A Reason For Your Insomnia
Instead of counting sheep, try tallying the many things that can cause insomnia, such as sleeping pills, nighttime noshing, stress and hormonal changes.
Could Starting School Later Help Teenagers Sleep?
When teens want to sleep in on a school day, they’re not being lazy. For one, teens need more rest than adults: about eight or nine hours a night, compared with about the six or seven their parents require. Teens, biologically, really do crave sleep.